There was a time that unions were useful. There may have been a time that in order to get a fair wage and fair hours unionizing was a good way to go. However, unions have out lived their purpose. Unions have strayed away from their original purpose. Unions no longer care about their members. Nowadays, unions are only out for themselves. Unions only care about their power and their control. Unions are the modern form of legal communism, restricting what members can earn and by telling them what political stance they can have. They dictate to their members what they will earn. They dictate to their members what their political views must be. Freedom of choice is no longer valid when you are in a union. Unions only raise the cost of services and products that companies provide which in turn raises everyone?s cost of living. Unions require businesses to pay employees based solely on seniority and not performance creating a socialist environment. Unions punish those that are motivated to work and reward those that are lazy. When people are paid based only on seniority, the quality of their work will falter every time because there is no longer any incentive for someone to excel in their trade. The result is always poorer quality and service. As quality in products and service declines, customers go elsewhere. As customers go elsewhere, the company goes out of business stranding the workers. Every year union members give a portion of their hard earned money to labor unions. What do they get in return? Nothing, except medical and dental benefits. Unions take the money from their members and spend it on politics. They spend the money endorsing political ideas that may or may not reflect the values, ideas or political parties of their members. They do it without asking, polling or voting on what the members want or would like. The unions only care about advancing their power and control over their members, business and politicians. If you feel that your employer is not giving you a fair wage, fair hours or fair working environment then go work somewhere else. Either the business will get the message as more employees leave for better paying jobs, better hours and better working environments and give better wages, better salaries and improve the environment or they will go out of business.